UBI博导教授,法学硕士,管理哲学博士。国际事务专家,历任欧洲多家知名商学院教授。为欧盟委员会新任领导和代表团成员及欧盟委员会工作人员进行DG关系管理,跨文化专责项目教授。荷兰政策管理发展欧洲中心(ECDPM)、布鲁塞尔ICHEC研究所等研究员,并曾任希腊驻美国大使馆政治事务专员,专责与美国参议院沟通协调涉及影响希腊国家利益的政治发展事务。并协助希腊总统、总理和外交部长在国际政治事务的具体工作。PILAVACHI 教授精通希腊语、法语、英语、意大利语和阿拉伯语多国语言。在国际多元化文化、商务、交流、谈判及领导力专业研究和实践有独到的见解。 Professor of United Business Institutes, Brussels. Master of Laws, Doctor of Philosophy He successively held the posts of Professor for many famous business Universities. Expert of International affairs. Training in intercultural management and DG Personnel and Administration for newly appointed chiefs, members of Delegations of the European Commission in non-member countries and newly appointed officials of the Commission. Researcher of European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), Maastricht, the Netherlands; Institut Catholique des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (ICHEC), Brussels ; He was the Career Diplomat for Embassy of Greece, political affairs, Washington D.C. Be in charged political developments affecting the interests of Greece. Accompanied and assisted the President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Greece in all their international political visits, meetings, and negotiations. Pro. PILAVACHI has made himself master of five languages, Greek, French, English, Italian and Arabic. He has original view towards the research and practice in culture, business, communication, negotiation and leadership fields. |